Monday, October 20, 2008

New Updated Blog

I finally updated our blog! It's about time. Life is going well for us here at the ten-plex as it is affectionately known as by the members of our ward. The leaves are starting to change and every night i get a whiff of that wonderful fall/Halloween smell. I love it! We finally put up some Halloween decorations and took a drive up the canyon to take some fall pictures. Oh how i love the fall. I wish it would never snow and stay like this all the time.

Friday, March 28, 2008

married life

Married life is freakin great. The wedding was awesome!!!! Obviously by my lack of posting i,ve been pretty busy and we don't have the internet at our apartment:) Well other then that we've been great and adjusting well to married life. Thanks to all those who helped with the wedding by the way it was very much appreciated!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

i'm so excited!

I'm so freakin excited! I took my bridals yesterday and had so much fun. I can't wait to wear my dress again. I get to go to the temple on thursday night and i'm pretty excited about that too, it's going to be awesome. Back to the countdown, we only have 11 days till we tie the knot:) I'm so excited!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

life is crazy

Is it really only two weeks till our wedding?!!! oh my goodness i can't believe that it is already so close. We're just getting all the last minute details ready to go, of course that means the invitations because they just got here. The count is only 14 days. HECK YES!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

guest book, addresses, and last minute details

Everything is officially starting to get crazy! We're trying to get evelopes addressed, our guest book finished and other little important details neccessary for us to wed, such as the wedding licence. We've double checked all our appointments and made sure that we are good to go. Last night i made my appointment to recieve my endowment. I'll be going through the temple on thursday february 28th, eleven days to go. Speaking of counting down to dates we have 20 days left till the wedding, SO EXCITING!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

the weeks are flying by

I can't belive how fast this week has gone by. It's been a pretty crazy one however. On wednesday we went with carson's little brother as he reported to the MTC. It was a neat experience that i've never been able to do before, but very bitter sweet. Of course there were tears, but i know Jordy is gonna do great. Valentines day was awesome! I love Carson SOO much. He's pretty much the greatest person ever and my very best friend! I can't wait to marry him. Speaking of the wedding our countdown is getting down to the nitty gritty. In 22 days and three from saturday we're official hitched. It's gonna be so awesome!

Monday, February 11, 2008

the cube known as rubiks

I never thought i would ever figure out how to solve a rubiks cube, but thanks to an excelent coach, my future hubby, and a lot of practice, i am on the brink of becoming a rubiks cube genius! Last night carson spent many frustrating hours trying to teach me, but we had so much fun. He was so patient with me:) I can't belive were getting married in less than four weeks, time is flying by. The official count is 26 days, and i can't wait!

Monday, February 4, 2008

i hate the snow!!!

I'm so tired of all this freakin snow! I want spring and sunshine and flowers and just a tiny bit of warm weather. It seems that everytime i look out the window i see flakes floating to the ground :( I vote NO MORE SNOW!!!!

The wedding is getting closer and closer, i can't believe how fast the days are flying by. Our countdown is now at 33 days, a little under five weeks. I can't wait to marry Carson!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

who invented jobs?

Sometimes i wonder who came up with the idea that everyone needs to have a job. I especially wonder about this when i'm sitting at work thinking that all i want to do is go home. Oh well i guess i'll just get over it. I got my bangs cut today and i freakin love them, it's crazy how much of a difference such a little thing can make:) Well guys and gals the countdown must go on, 38 days till THE day:) some days it seems like it's never gonna get here and other days it feels like its flying by. (the second are the ones i prefer) At least it's almost the weekend again:)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

my ugly bangs

I'm sitting here at work at the beauty school wishing that my bangs didn't look so retarded. They have major grown out since we took the pictures for our wedding announcement, which we finished last night and they look frekin cute by the way. I can't wait to get my hair done again. I offered my boss a foot massage if she would cut my bangs. . . i'm still waiting to see if she takes the bait:) Our countdown has actually made it into the thirties, we're lookin at 39 till we say i do:) I can't wait!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

crazy storms

What is with the wind today? Personally i'm not a fan of it. I'm sitting here on my day off waiting for it to knock the power out and ruin my day, making me do everything by candle light. I am officially sick of winter and ready for all the snow to melt and the flowers to come back. I miss being outside all the time and have a hard time imagining that it can actually get warm here. I just keep pineing away for summer until it finally comes:) Back to the wedding countdown, were looking at 40 days now. . . i hope it goes by fast:)

Friday, January 25, 2008

it's finally friday

One more week down and only six more to go! Our countdown is at 43 days! Tonight we're gonna go to the stake center and watch Carson tear up the court with his mad basketball skills as he leads the mt. view 10th boys to victory. Maybe i shouldn't have such high hopes for the boys but it can't hurt to dream. At any rate i'll be there on the sidelines cheering for my man. GOOOO CARSON!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Is it almost here?

Let the countdown continue! 44 days to go! Sometimes it seems to be going so fast and other times it just isn't going fast enough. It's a real test of patience, and eventhough us girls have dreamed about this day pretty much our whole life; picking out colors and themes and such, it makes me laugh that we reach the point were we're no longer picky about details just aslong as it all happens;) I can't wait to move into our appartment and set up all of our stuff. Our couches, courtesy of my sister marci, will be here saturday and we have to store them at the beauty school till we can move in the week before our wedding, man it's gonna be a crazy week!

Monday, January 21, 2008

wedding countdown

Okay so now that i figured this out it's time to start our wedding countdown! we're looking at aproximately forty seven days and still have a lot to get finished. We're really excited though and can't wait to get hitched!

my new blog

Hey i've decided to try out this blog thing everyone seems to be so crazy about. I'm not really sure how to work it yet so be patient with me.